I only train for 30 minutes...
I do around 3-30 minute workouts per week and this is my progress from my ultra marathon physique last September to my physique now 🤷

Before and after.
30 minutes.
That's it.
You're probably thinking how that works?
Think of a spectrum.
At one end is intensity and the other is time.
The more intense you train, the less time you have to put in.
The opposite is also true.
The less intense you train, the more time is required.
I currently rest about 30-50 seconds between sets and I make sure all of my exercises and training methods are hyperfocused on efficiency.
I don't suggest this for most people.
It can increase chances of injury if you're not experienced.
But what I do want to highlight is your current level of intensity.
When you train, how many sets do you do per exercise and how intense is each of those sets on a scale from 1-10?
Most of you will probably say 6-8/10, but realistically you're probably at 5-6/10.
Want to know why?
When was the last time you went to true failure on an exercise?
Like truly maxed out?
If you can max out, keep good form and be safe with it,
You can then get an idea of what training at an 8-9/10 truly feels like.
Try this the next time you work out.
If you're doing 3 sets of an exercise,
Let set 1 be a 7-8/10.
That means you've only got 2 maybe 3 more reps left in the tank.
Let set 2 be a 8-9/10.
That should be 1 rep left in the tank.
Then let set 3 be a true 10/10. All the way to failure.
Do this consistently for 4-6 weeks and I can promise you you'll see some great results 👍