Walking around Preston docks isn't enough
The distance around the main dock in Preston is 2.35km or 1.46 miles. But it's not enough to save your fitness....

Don't get me wrong,
I enjoy a walk or jog around the docks and it's a good thing to do for your health,
But it's not enough to change your health for 95% of my fellow prestonians.
I wish it was,
That'd make my job a lot easier,
But if getting healthy was easy,
All the American firms the NHS buys it's medicine and equipment from would be broke 😬
You see,
A short walk around the docks will give you roughly 2500 to 3500 steps.
That equates to around 100-150 calories burned.
Both stats could be more or less depending on your biology, but that's the average.
I definitely eat 140 calories (2 hob nobs) within 20 seconds when I've got a cup of tea.
So while walking is a healthy thing to do and we should definitely do more of it,
It's not enough to change your health if you don't also adapt your diet.
On top of that, walking doesn't do much for correcting posture and increasing bone density.
Do you know what does?
Progressive resistance training.
The push ups and pull ups you can do at home, or the squats and deadlifts you can do at the gym.
We need to face it,
Resistance training has been shown time and time again to be absolutely vital for improving every metric of our health.
The issue is,
Not everyone enjoys it or can be bothered going to the gym to get sweaty 🤷
That's why I specialise in making workouts and your time in the gym fin and enjoyable.
If you enjoy what you do,
You'll keep doing it.
It's quite simple really.
But that's your solution.
Whether you want to hire me to coach you or you want to try it solo,
I highly advise you to start and to stay consistent with resistance training.
It'll change your life...