Why your Personal Trainer nags you to track your diet & training
It's annoying, I know, but it can literally change your life...

This is Sam, my client of over 3 years...
Obviously he's had an incredible transformation.
He's gained a lot of muscle and strength,
Mobility and gym knowledge too.
But I remember when he first came to me.
He told me he struggled to walk up stairs without some kind of pain in his legs.
Oh, and he couldn't squat. He just didn't have the mobility to.
All of this was largely due to a motorbike incident he had.
So sure, he looks great, but I'd argue his biggest win so far is how he's recovered from his long-term injuries.
And can you guess what was vital in Sam making the progress he has?
That's right, you guessed it...tracking!
Sam has always had a decent idea about nutrition, but he's followed a good diet plan during our time together and that's been key to his progress.
The same can be said about his training.
Each week he follows a carefully curated plan that I've designed for him.
By tracking exactly what he's lifting each time he works out, I can alter and adjust our plan for next week.
And the way I adjust his training guarantees his body will adapt and grow because of it.
Use Sam and his journey as an example.
If you come into the gym and just do random exercises with no plan or pathway of progression,
You won't see long-term results nor sustainable progression.
Unfortunately, I've seen it countless times.
The people who come into the gym for years without any real progress towards their goals.
Don't get me wrong, some people come just to blow off steam or to maintain their weight/strength,
But having talked to 100s of these gym members over years,
Every single one would have liked to have made more progress during their time at the gym.
And the number one thing they're lacking?
A good game plan they can follow.
And how do we create that plan?
By tracking what you do and making gradual changes...